Art therapy is the use of art in the treatment of addiction and mental health problems. During art therapy, there is no need to use verbal communication. Individuals are afforded the opportunity to use any medium they prefer.

Addiction and mental health problems are powerful entities and they have the capacity to induce trauma and a host of other delicate features.

The good side to this is, art therapy has proved to be effective in handling such issues associated with addiction and mental health problems.

Art therapy assists the patient to accept the happenings of the past and shape the future to be better. Patients are encouraged to leave what is behind and focus on their lives ahead of them.

The fact is, people are known to cling on to past hurtful events without making attempts to break free from those painful emotions.

Hence, with art therapy you are able to explain how you feel and you are aided in channeling your thoughts to do productive things.

Visual and Fine art is one of the major features of art therapy. Individuals are expected to take part in activities like: Painting, drawing, sculpting and paper art. During this type of art, the individual needs to put on his creative cap to produce a wonderful result.

Then, there is performing arts. Here, the individual would have to be a music artist, dancer, actor or an instrumentalist. During this type of art, the individual is expected to integrate more physical action.

Another proficient type of art is applied arts. People who opt for this are expected to take part in activities like cooking, sewing, jewelry making and a host of others.

The last major category is Literature. Individuals here participate in the act and art of creative writing. For those who do not know how to go about this, they are assisted by a skilled instructor.

All the forms of art therapy listed above are quintessential in helping an individual defeat addiction and mental health problems. They require patience to learn, implement and execute.  

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